Any Pastor Who Uses Armed Bodyguards Should Not Be Allowed To Use Testimonies Involving Arm Bands – Daddy Freeze

Any Pastor Who Uses Armed Bodyguards Should Not Be Allowed To Use Testimonies Involving Arm Bands - Daddy Freeze

Media personality Daddy Freeze says pastors who uses armed bodyguards for security purposes, should not be allowed to tell testimonies involving stickers and arm bands to their church members.

In an Instagram post, Daddy Freeze questions why some pastors uses armed bodyguards if the arm bands and stickers sold to their members work.

Also, Daddy Freeze demands that pastors should stop selling arm band to their church members for protection if it’s not saving them.

He wrote; “Any pastor who uses armed bodyguards should not be allowed to use testimonies involving arm bands, stickers etc for members’ protection.

If the thing dey work, why you no use am??🙄

it’s like a native doctor doing money rituals for yahoo boys, while still living in a thatched hut in the bush. 🤷

On the flip side though, protection in uncertainty is scriptural. When Herod wanted to kill God’s son, even God himself told the child’s parents to flee with the child to Egypt.

◄ Matthew 2:13 ►

New International Version

When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”