Video shows armed police reportedly beating up soldiers over traffic violation in Ekiti


In a dramatic turn of events, two soldiers and armed police officers clashed in the Ikole Ekiti region over an alleged infringement of traffic rules.

The recent event, in which uniformed troops battled with armed police officers, has left people in awe.

According to eyewitnesses, the altercation began when two troops on a motorbike were stopped by a female police officer for driving against traffic.

Despite the infringement, the troops persisted on advancing, resulting in a heated altercation between the officer and the soldiers.

The verbal altercation suddenly turned violent, forcing the terrified female officer to request assistance.

Armed police officers were shown assaulting an unarmed soldier in an online video, purportedly in response to his assault on the female officer and shredding her clothing.

The second military officer tried to intervene and support his colleague, but was met with furious opposition.

The event was confirmed by Sunday Abutu, the spokesperson for the Ekiti State Police Command, who also revealed that both troops engaged in the brawl had been arrested.

“Meanwhile, it’s a case of violation of traffic order and serious assault on a policewoman who was performing her lawful duty at the traffic by the two soldiers.

“The two military private officers who were on motorcycle were cautioned by the policewoman after they reluctantly passed through one-way traffic. The caution provoked them and they decided to pounce on the policewoman and assaulted her, got her injured and tore her uniform.

“It took the effort of some civilians around to stop the soldiers from escaping before the police reinforcement arrived,” Sunday Abutu said.


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