TB Joshua’s Wife Reveals How He Protected Her

Evelyn Joshua: Synagogue Appoints New Leader after TB Joshua’s Death

The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) hosted a memorial ceremony for its originator, Prophet T.B. Joshua spouse Evelyn, noted in a eulogy that her 31-year marriage to the late prophet isn’t without difficulties.

She stated that her spouse educated her that difficulties enhanced God’s children.

“For gold to become gold, it must pass through the fire,”

“You grew the church from an eight-member assembly sitting on a mat, to the ‘level we are today.

“You grew me to be the woman I am today.

“I stand here today to say thank you for choosing me, caring for me and nurturing me.

“Thank you for being a good father to the children, thank you for shielding me from those who were bent on soiling our lives; you were undeterred,”

She continued to say:

“He told me that the work of God is beautiful. Indeed you lived a life of sacrifice till your last moment on earth.

“I will truly miss your conversations with me. I will truly miss your wisdom,”