You Need To See This Hilarious Marriage List Given To A Man In Akwa Ibom


You Need To See This Hilarious Marriage List Given To A Man In Akwa Ibom
You Need To See This Hilarious Marriage List Given To A Man In Akwa Ibom

The marriage list given to a man who is set to marry a lady from Akwa Ibom, will surely make you laugh. The man who rather consider the list hilarious decided to post in on the internet and it has since gone viral, with a lot of people giving their comments about the high value placed on bride price in different tribes of the country.

A lot of people actually condemn the list, which rather looked like a list of items needed to stock a new super-market.

It’s no news how bride price is a cultural right in most parts of Nigeria. Marrying from some places is very easy and doesn’t require anyone breaking the bank. In some other parts however, it’s like expecting Santa Claus provide for a family for a lifetime.

You Need To See This Hilarious Marriage List Given To A Man In Akwa Ibom

Most times, it affects relationship as the loud undertone is that one can’t settle with the love of their life if they are not extremely wealthy. The latest which has gotten a lot of attention is a marriage list which was given to a groom-to-be.