5 Reasons Why Your Breath Smells So Bad and 5 Natural Ways to Fight a Bad Mouth Odor


5-Chewing too much gum

Chewing gums in the short-term after eating spicy food is not harmful. It causes serious health issues in the long-term because they contain hidden sugars that leads to the accumulation of sticky plaque on the teeth. This also encourages the growth of bacteria and its effects may be worse than those of dry mouth in the long run.

5 natural ways to fight bad mouth odor;

The good news is that with lifestyle changes and natural remedies, you can get rid of bad breath naturally.

For many people, grabbing a mint or a piece of gum is their go-to solution, as it quickly masks the problem. But this approach often fails to address the root causes of bad breath, which for many people includes dietary deficiency. The reality is that bad breath can be caused by some health conditions, foods, and even habits.

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